Custom Mobile App for your Android & IOS.


UI/UX Designer
0 (0 تقييم)

وصف الخدمة

Free Support for 2 weeks after Deployment

Leading a team of 24 members skilled in different technology including 2 Project Managers, 12 Flutter, 5 Backend Developers, 2 UI/UX, 1 Graphics Designer and 2 Tester.

A Complete Solution for your Flutter App or Flutter website. I have Expertise in

Submission to AppStore and PlaystoreResponsive UI/UX
State Management
Clean Code
Firestore and Realtime Database for Chat with Video/Voice call
Admin Backend
SQL and Non-SQL Database
Third-Party APIs Integration
Firebase/JWT Authentication
Push Notification
Crash Analytics
Google Admob Ads Integration
Google Firebase App Analytics
Cloud Functions
Firestore Rules


الموقع الجغرافي

الأسئلة الشائعة

Can you send me sample of your works?
Sure, please message me if you want and I will send you samples of my recent works.
Are graphics and images included?
Yes, I provide graphics including icons, free stock images and my custom made design elements. If you want to use a commercial image, you should buy it first.


0 أستناداً إلي 0 تقييم
الراتب مقابل الخدمة
تقييم الراتب مقابل الخدمة المقدمة والمنجزة
سرعة إنجاز الخدمة
هل تم إنجاز الخدمة بالموعد المتفق عليه؟
المهارة في العمل
مدي تقييم المهارة أثناء العمل علي الخدمة
الرضا عن العمل
الرضا عم العمل المقدم


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